
The Latin Americans are on the come. Africa Left Behind.

Carlos Slim and Soylandia. What do they have in common? They're, in conjunction, part of the reason that Latin America is on the charge. Carlos Slim has surpassed Mr. Gates as the richest man in the world and Soylandia is proof that Latin Americans can and will compete with the US in agricultural endeavors.

From Mexico to Brazil the landscape, literally and figuratively, are changing south of the border. I'm excited about the developmental trend that this indicates on a global scale. Latin America and Asia are learning to compete in the global market. Europeans and North Americans are pressing forward. Australia is isolated and not underdeveloped for it's size. Now if we could only kick start Africa, the Global Economy will spin into full force and be all inclusive.

What is it going to take to get Africa to develop as a continent? Where does it begin? What is the extent of development on the worlds oldest inhabited continent? Nigeria has a booming oil industry, but oil will soon be a thing of the past. Where do they go next with the capital they attain from the Oil trade?

Government is the primary problem in Africa. There is too much corruption and a lack of direction in my humble opinion. Secondary to politics is education; Latin Americans have access to the font of knowledge in American academic institutions and have used what they've learned to their advantage. I look forward to the day when Africans take what they learn back to the mother land and get involved in the great race.

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