
Hellooooooo Everybody

Allow me to reIntroduce myself, my name is Zen. I once was and i'm now seeking to be, or not to be. This is my reincarnation. I'm attempting to recreate an older, wiser model of a young prodigy.

The original was born of the 80's and shaped by the 90's only to be discovered in the new millennium. Snake bitten at birth, I remade my mold only to cry in my dreams. It's the only place I can shed my tears without being mocked.

I'm a man of the people and the new me has to embrace that to find success. My broader horizons have presented a world of opportunities. My universe is complete with business matters, political dealings, and athletic endeavors. I'm a fan of varied forms of art and by nature the subtle nuances in huMan kind appeal to me.

I am called to facilitate change by form or by force.

The Revolution begins.
The Renaissance begins.
The beginning has ended.

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