
Beauty and the Geek: Soledad O'brien

Soledad's parents, both immigrants, met at Johns Hopkins Universityy in Marylandd in 1958. My parents were both immigrants—my mother from Cuba, my father from Australia. Soledad's parents married in 1959 in Washington, D.C. Her father Edward, an Australian (from Toowoomba, Australia) of Irish descent, was a mechanical engineering professor. Her mother Estella, a Black Cubana (Afro-Cuban), was a French and English teacher. Soledad is the fifth of six kids, who all graduated from Harvard University. Her older siblings are law professor Maria (b. 1961); corporate lawyer Cecilia (b. 1962), Tony (b. 1963) who heads a documents company; eye surgeon Estela (b. 1964); and anesthesiologist Orestes (b. 1968).
Interracial marriage in Maryland was illegal back then, so the couple married in Washington, D.C. The O'Briens then moved to the Long Island community of St. James, a charming old town on Long Island’s affluent North Shore, where Soledad was born and raised. On the NPR quiz show Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!, O'Brien explained that in Spanish her full name means, "The Blessed Virgin Mary of Solitude." When she started working in TV, many people recommended that she change her name, but she refused.



We are all creatures of habit. My habit is Change.

Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are, for what you could become.


Beauty and the Geek

I've set out on a mystical journey and i'm sad to say that i've returned with limited booty. I'm on the eternal journey to find a unicorn, the tooth fairy, better yet A BOMBSHELL W/ BRAINS. (Yes, Google Safe Search mode is OFF)

It is my mission to list for you (at some point in time) the 10 Most Beautiful Women with a twist. I'm in the pursuit of 10 BRILLIANT women, who are BEAUTIFUL.
Here are some nominees, but I promise the top 10 are to follow (at some point in time).
Queen Rania has quite a brain sitting beneath that crown, her highness graduated with a degree in Business Administration and worked at jobs for Citibank and Apple. She has made her mark on the world with her involvement in several core economic and welfare-related issues including best practices in the field of microfinance.

THE Geena Davis: (NSFW)

Mensa Member, Six feet tall, Beautiful smile, spotted sunbathing nude on numberous occasions, multilungual, and a model.
THE Asia Carrera: (Surprisingly that link is SFW)
Tough to find photos of Asia with her clothes on, but is that really a bad thing?

New Jersey spelling bee champ in '89, National Mathematics League member, and Spanish National Honor Society; She studied piano as a child, and performed at Carnegie Hall twice before the age of 15. By 16 she taught English at Tsuruga College in Japan. When she was 17, she ran away from home because she felt her parents put too much pressure on her to succeed academically. She won a full academic scholarship to Rutgers University and double majored in Business and Japanese. She is a member of Mensa.

Sex is the most intimate form of self expression. Asia is wise enough to know that one must express themselves openly and repeatedly to be fully understood.
Paralysis by analysis, checkmate. Analyse THIS.

I'm your venus, I'm your angel, your desire. You probably wouldn’t peg her as the kind of girl who excels at abstract, strategic board games BUT Carmen Kass is President of the Estonian Chess Federation. A model strategically analytical competitor to say the least.
To be continued.........................



As I follow the reportings regarding the revelations in the Mitchell Report I'm reminded of another great Steroid debate that NO ONE is officially aware of. Apparently the NFL has been accused of not providing proper health benefits to retired players and the accusations have been a public relations nightmare. BUT has anyone given consideration to the idea that the NFL doesn't want to pay medical bills for all of these retirees because they suspect that many of the health problems these ex-players are facing stem from the possible reality that many of these ex-players were on steroids during their careers.

The NFL doesn't want to accuse the players of having abused steroids during their playing days because it makes both the NFL and the ex-players look bad. The accusation by the NFL would be a revelation of the NFL's awareness. The ex-players are seeking to reap some of the benefits for having "made" the NFL what it is today by building the league up through their past participation. Although, in my opinion they really didn't build or make anything; the NFL is very popular today because of the TV contracts and the investments that the owners have put into marketing the National Football League. I could line up 22 monkeys and send them out there to play football but that doesn't mean people will pay to see it. It is not the monkeys, it is the promotion of the monkeys that draws the crowd. If the OLD players made the game what it is today, then the NFL should be paying royalties to the descendants of Roman gladiators also but that's an argument for another day.

Professional football players have been using steroids and other performance enhancing drugs long before baseball accepted such actions as part of its culture. The former football players are now paying the price for the poor choices that they made many years ago and although the NFL won't say it publicly, the NFL is refusing to be held entirely accountable for the health risks that came along with the many poor decisions to engage in the use of steroids.

Mind, Body & Soul

The trinity; there is no more divine union than that of our minds, bodies and souls. Where there is perfection, there is no greater executer of nuclear fission than the United States Government.


The Government is charged with the grandest responsibility, the public education of this nations children. It is beyond my comprehension that principles of economics are not mandatory courses in primary or secondary education in a capitalist society. Economics should be a part of the core curriculum in every American High School. In order to pursue a more perfect union we need an aware citezenry. Capitalism is fueled by competition, if more people understood how finance, credit, banking and market forces worked; there would be less of a divide between the haves and have nots and more cumulative wealth in America.

It's been said that charity begins at home and because we assume that to be true the public school system has an obligation to demand more of the people parenting its' children. Private schools are more productive than public schools mainly because the parents of children in private schools have a tendency to be more involved in the academic development of their children. Our system of public education must develop programs to get parents more involved and keep them committed.

For instance, imagine if there were tax incentives/breaks for the parents of children who performed well in school. If your child could make or save money for the family by having perfect attendance, not being disruptive in any academic environment, and performing "well" in the classroom wouldn't that motivate you to encourage them to succeed at meeting those standards? Wouldn't that help you find more time to get involved with your childs schooling?

For every one dollar invested in quality, comprehensive programs supporting children and families from birth, there is a $7-$10 return to society in decreased need for special education services, higher graduation and employment rates, less crime, less use of the public welfare system, and better health. (Obama Education Plan, Sec II. Paragraph I.)

The tax incentives/breaks intrisic to this system would be financed by the savings and earnings from reduced crime (less police and prisons), a reduction in dependence on the welfare system, and increased productivity in the markets as a by product of more and better educated employees and entreprenuers.


If I can't trust you to care for someone who sacrificed their life for you; can I trust you to care for me, a complete stranger? The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is oft criticized for its mistreatment and poor handling of issues pertaining to those it is charged to assist. The VA, a government funded agency, has a bad track record when it comes to taking care of WAR HEROES medical needs and treatments; but certain government officials are asking YOU AND I to entrust them with the proper development of a social/united healthcare system.

As I understand it the government can't take proper care of the SOLDIERS that sacrificed their well being for this great nation, yet they want to convince me that they would do a much better job if charged with the responsibility to provide for the well being of the COMMON MAN.

It is a shame that every citizen cannot currently afford suitable health insurance. I believe we need to make health insurance more affordable. We would be FOOLS to buy into the idea that because we need more affordable healthcare we should let the INEFFICIENT federal government commandeer the system from the private sector.


Many wars have been waged over religion. Religion is the most divisive force created by mankind. Millions have died in the name of GOD. It is imperative, in a democratic society, that we maintain a reasonable separation of church and state. There should be a gap between individual peoples morality and our national democracy.

We are called to work together in a democratic union. All Christians apply the rules of the their church differently in their lives, our faiths and moral compasses are as varied as our DNAs'. It would be nearly impossible for a protestant majority to be led by a catholic or mormon president if we did not all check our moral agendas at the door.

The US treaty with Tripoli of 1796 clearly states "Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."; authored by American diplomat Joel Barlow in 1796, the following treaty was sent to the floor of the Senate, June 7, 1797, where it was read aloud in its entirety and unanimously approved. President John Adams, having seen the treaty, signed it and proudly proclaimed it to the Nation.

Our democracy does not demand a separation of church and state it requires a nuetrality. If you don't believe me I implore you to follow this link and please read the entire article first before passing judgement.

Americans demand and deserve to be properly informed in a capitalist society that allows the best medical practioners to compete to provide economical medical services to the needs of our spiritually unbiased minds, bodies and souls.


Hellooooooo Everybody

Allow me to reIntroduce myself, my name is Zen. I once was and i'm now seeking to be, or not to be. This is my reincarnation. I'm attempting to recreate an older, wiser model of a young prodigy.

The original was born of the 80's and shaped by the 90's only to be discovered in the new millennium. Snake bitten at birth, I remade my mold only to cry in my dreams. It's the only place I can shed my tears without being mocked.

I'm a man of the people and the new me has to embrace that to find success. My broader horizons have presented a world of opportunities. My universe is complete with business matters, political dealings, and athletic endeavors. I'm a fan of varied forms of art and by nature the subtle nuances in huMan kind appeal to me.

I am called to facilitate change by form or by force.

The Revolution begins.
The Renaissance begins.
The beginning has ended.

